Category Archives: children

Palatine IL family photographer

Let’s welcome a new Golden Photography family to the blog!  Could they be any more perfect.  Talk about nailing the wardrobe, too!  The boys were adorable – the oldest FULL of personality and the youngest not so sure of me.  But I love the little crinkly nose look he gave me, for sure.  What a sweetheart!...

Lake Bluff IL beach photographer

I LOVE the beach!  And I adore this family!  I met them last year but they recently moved and wanted to update their photos at Sunrise Beach in Lake Bluff, IL.  It’s a great little beach with rocks and amazing scenery and its not overly crowded.  It was my first time there and I hope...

baby photographer Barrington, IL

I am always blows away at how much they change every few months – this guy was no exception at 6 months old.  This age can be pretty tricky since the whole stranger danger and separation anxiety starts to set in.  Luckily, I guess I’m pretty awesome because this guy was all smiles for me...

Currently scheduling due dates through June!!