Category Archives: Family

newborn photographer Barrington IL

I’ve known Erin since college (yay U of I).  We were both in the same major and she now teaches in the area.  She had another sweet little girl and I was beyond thrilled she asked me to photograph her.  She and I are pretty similar in terms of what we like in terms of...

Long Grove IL child photographer

This sweet dude and his awesome mommas.  I think he was one of the more expressive guys I’ve met.  I will admit he was pretty weary of me at first.  You know, stranger danger and me being scary and all.  But he warmed up and we were set.  Being the sweet guy he is he was all...

Buffalo Grove IL family photographer

I am so lucky to get to work with the families I photograph.  My style is laid back and relaxed and when a family comes to me with the same vibe and wanting the same in their sessions, I am in my happy place.  This session took place in early fall, but I kind of...

Vernon Hills IL photographer

Here’s another family I’ve gotten to photograph numerous times in the past year.  I first met them for this guys newborn session and his big sister had always wished for a unicorn and a baby, so I’m thrilled her parents got her something she was wanting. Haha.  I mean, those unicorns are cool and all.  But...

Currently scheduling due dates through September!!