Category Archives: studio

Long Grove IL baby photographer

Baby number three for this family.  And it’s a girl!!!!!  I know mom was super excited, but I was too so I could break out some girly stuff for them.  But not tooooo girly, of course.  Plus I had a bunch of new props that I was excited to use for them, so I couldn’t...

newborn photographer Barrington IL

I’ve known Erin since college (yay U of I).  We were both in the same major and she now teaches in the area.  She had another sweet little girl and I was beyond thrilled she asked me to photograph her.  She and I are pretty similar in terms of what we like in terms of...

Lake Zurich IL baby photographer

I saw this sweet little one about 6 months after the last time she was in the studio.  As a baby she just wanted to party and was a feisty one (each baby has such a unique personality, its fun for me to see).  She’s still a spunky little girl and already sitting up on...

First birthday photographer Palatine IL

What a sweet first birthday boy.  He wasn’t a fan of the cake, but he was totally into the balloons.  Because duh, those are way better than cake. You’ll learn, kid.  You’ll learn. Fun story: I actually met this family through my daughter’s preschool.  This guy’s sister and my daughter are friends and get along...

Currently scheduling due dates through September!!