Category Archives: Uncategorized

Wall Gallery Design

Ok, so I did a thing. Wall gallery design is way tricky and can be overwhelming.  I get it.  But its something I love to do is design them for families and I would love to share what I know with YOU.  I have access to a wide variety of frames and display materials – with...

Baby Photography Barrington IL

This was officially the first session back in the studio after my daughter was born.  I had originally planned on taking all of December off, however she was doing great and I was feeling well.  This momma contacted me after her daughter was born in hopes of booking a mini newborn session with me and...

We have some news…

If you remember back to last fall, we had some unfortunate news to share.  And not to delve into too much personal stuff, but after surgery I was in and out of my Drs office (and was even put on some short-term hormones as a result of surgery). It was definitely a stressful time and really burned...

Holiday Pajama sessions

For the first time I am offering a kids only holiday-themed pajama sessions at my Lake Zurich studio!  These will be super adorable mini sessions complete with a holiday theme that matches my style of photography.  Sign up for your session, put some adorable holiday pajamas on your kiddos and come to the studio for a festive...

Currently scheduling due dates through September!!