D family | Deer Park twin photographer

They’re baaaaaack.  The twins from Chicago. =)  I first met these guys over the summer for their six month photos and first fell in love with them then.  Now they’re back for their 1 year session, can you believe it?  Mom totally had them coordinated and I loved their outfits.  Those toggle vests are beyond adorable.  I was a little worried when we originally picked this spot in Deer Park, IL because we are smack in the middle of the busy season and usually it is crawling with photographers, but there wasn’t anyone around!  Typically this spot is hopping with activity so I was thrilled they had it to themselves.

Deer Park twin photographer

Typical brothers, all up in each other’s faces.  It was great being able to photograph them again (and this time their parents joined in some shots, and it makes me soooooo happy).  I think the best part about these boys is that even though they are twins, they each have such a distinct personality.  Even at this young age, you can totally see it!

Also, these hats again!  This is the second family I’ve seen this fall with these hats and I am totally digging them.

Kildeer photographer

Deer Park family photographer

Lake county photographer

I love photographing kids!  If you’re in the Deer Park, IL area and in need of a photographer, please don’t wait to contact me!  I am booked for the remainder of 2014 and the first few months of 2015 are nearly full!  It makes me sad to turn families away, so I urge you to contact me early to reserve your session!


Currently scheduling due dates through September!!