First birthday photographer Palatine IL

What a sweet first birthday boy.  He wasn’t a fan of the cake, but he was totally into the balloons.  Because duh, those are way better than cake.

You’ll learn, kid.  You’ll learn.

Fun story: I actually met this family through my daughter’s preschool.  This guy’s sister and my daughter are friends and get along really well!  The family also owns Odyssey Play Place in Palatine, which is a great indoor play place for kids.  It’s imaginative play with dress up, toys, story time, and even special visits from some of your kid’s favorite characters.  It’s new and definitely worth checking out.  My daughter has gone a few times and is always asking to go back.  And if you look carefully on their website, you’ll see a lot of my photos I did for them right as they were opening their space.  I am thinking some of these would be great to hang in their party area, so we’ll see what I come up with.

First birthday photographer Palatine ILPalatine IL photographerfirst birthday photographer Chicagofirst birthday photo session Lake County ILCake smash birthday photographyIt was great photographing this guy in my Lake Zurich, IL studio.  Even though he wasn’t a fan of cake (check out the bribery we stuck into his cake in some of the frames to convince him to eat something), he was still so cute and happy!  And sometimes, that’s just how the sessions go.  More cake for the parents once they get home!

If you’re looking to book your own session, please contact me a few weeks in advance of your session (or months if you can) to ensure my availability.   I photograph all throughout the Lake County and Cook County areas.

For those wanting to book a newborn session, you will want to book during your 2nd trimester and well before your baby is here!  All sessions are held in the comfort of my private, downtown Lake Zurich IL studio.

I look forward to planning your session!

Currently scheduling due dates through September!!