first birthday smash cake Chicago IL

Sweet baby J.  Although we’ve reached the point where we can no longer call him a baby.  He is officially OUT of the baby stage and in the toddler stage, sorry to say to his mom and dad.  His family is into being outdoors and really active, so this little camping themed setup was perfect for him!  Kudos to his parents for supplying some of the “outdoorsy” items.  It went along perfectly with some of the items I already had at my Lake Zurich studio.  Plus I am loving the new hooded romper I just got from Dime a Daisiee!  I have a huge stack of clothing for kids to wear for in-studio sessions and this was perfect for him!

Like any child coming in for a cake smash session, he was totally confused by the cake and didn’t really want anything to do with it.  Luckily I have some trick up my sleeve for cases like this (which honestly its how nearly every cake session goes).  However, he was really into some of the items around him, like the box and lantern, so I totally rolled with it.  That bright red lantern he couldn’t stay away from! Like a moth to the flame. Haha.

Be sure to scroll down and take a moment to appreciate that cake, too.  It was made by the amazingly talented Nicole from the Windy City Dinner Fairy and for any families coming to me from the city of Chicago, I highly recommend using her for your session with me. The birthday boy was in love with the little owl on top, too.  He picked it right off the top and was holding and cuddling it.  Then he eventually pulled the head off and he tried so hard to fix it.  It totally reminded me of the movie Dumb and Dumber.  And if you know the scene I’m talking about, you and I would get along great.


little boy getting 1st photos taken in photography studio in Chicago IL suburbslittle boy getting 1 year photos done in studio outside Chicago ILowl smash cake in Chicago IL photography studiolittle boy with first cake with Chicago photographerlittle boy eating first cake in photo studio in Chicago suburbslittle boy with cake in photo studio near Chicago IL1 year old smashing first cake near Chicago ILone year old boy smashing cake in photo studio near Chicago IL1st birthday cake smash icing on little boys toes1st birthday cake photos in lake County ILsmash cake photographer near Chicago ILlittle boy with smash cake near Chicago IL

Cake smash sessions for your child’s first birthday is really one of those “yay you did it” moments.  You survived that first year and your baby is officially no longer a baby.  What better reason to celebrate with some cake!  Duh!

I’d love to chat with you about a session for your soon-to-be 1 year old. I’ll supply some decor and the clothes, you bring the cute kid and the cake!  My studio is in Lake County outside Chicago IL, so its super easy to get to for anyone in the northwest suburbs or the city, itself.

Go ahead and contact me and let’s chat details!

Currently scheduling due dates through September!!