K family | Lake County family photographer

I love meeting new families that come into the studio want me to photograph them.  Technically this family never stepped foot into my studio since their session was on location in Lake County, IL.  This was my second outdoor session of the spring.  Yes, only my second. What a blah, cold spring this has been in Chicagoland and most of my sessions have been indoors because of that.

But back to the beginning, whenever someone new wants me to photograph them, it’s just the greatest honor for me.  I was so excited to have a gorgeous evening for them, too.  It was a bit windy so we had to wait for the wind to stop on several occasions, but if that was the biggest “problem” I’ll take it!

Lake Zurich family photographer


They had some super adorable, active kiddos, too.  I know that can sometimes be stressful for parents because it seems like their kids are not following directions and they think I’m not able to capture anything worthwhile.  Trust me when I say that sometimes letting them be themselves yields the best photos.  I was playing right along with them, goofing off, and feeding into their energy level to move the session right along.  I find the candid photos just adorable, don’t you?

Golden Photography

This is how sessions REALLY go…


Of course, I do work my magic and get those adorable, calm photos, too.  I know that’s what the K family really wanted, so I dialed it down a bit to be able to give them exactly that.

Lake County family photographer

This was such a fun session for me.  A beautiful family, pretty scenery, and amazing light!  Not to mention the kids were a ton of fun for me to photograph.  Thank you, K family!


Ready for your own outdoor session?  Contact me to set one up before it’s too late!  Evenings are the best for outdoor photos and those are usually the first to book when the weather is nice.


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Currently scheduling due dates through September!!