Large family photographer Chicago | Golden Photography

My usual bag of tricks: newborns, mom and dad, maybe a sibling or two, and commercial work that typically involves inanimate objects.

This was something that’s seldom done for photographers but I know it’s something everyone wants: an extended family session.  Large family session.  Grandparents and kids session.  Whatever you want to call it, it’s a bunch of people and it’s a lot of work.  Not just for the photographer acting like a fool to get everyone to look and smile in the same direction, but also for the families involved.  I know being photographed can be stressful, so adding the rest of your family to the mix I’m sure isn’t easy.  But this family knocked it out!  We met for these in the Chicagoland suburbs of Deer Park, IL. Lake Zurich large family photographer If you recognize one of the families, it’s because they are one of my 1st year planners – I get to see their adorable kiddo every few months starting at newborn and ending with their 1 year photos complete with a cake smash session.  I can’t believe I JUST took his 6 month photos, so pretty soon I will be sad to not see them anymore.  They’re so fun to work with, and the rest of their family was no exception.  Everyone was so great!  I know one little guy took some time to warm up to me, but once he did he was awesome and I got some adorable little smiles out of him.  Once we finished with the outdoor portion, we just just a few more back at my studio before they went on with the rest of their day.

Extended family photographer Lake CountyExtended family photographer ChicagoLarge family photographer

I know that photographing your entire family is probably something on your “would like to” list.  Each time I meet with these families every one tells me they’ve been wanting one of these sessions for years, they just keep putting it off.  Yes, we all know that life gets in the way and you forget until the weather is too cold and you think ok, next year we’re doing that.  Next year comes and the same thing – life gets in the way.  I can’t even begin to explain how important photographing yourself is and a blog post doesn’t do it justice.  Let’s just say you are photographing yourself for your kids and your grandkids – they want these photos more than words can describe.  So don’t wait!  Pick up the phone, call your photographer, email them, whatever.  But please get your extended family photos completed this year before it’s too late (again).  If you’re on the hunt for a large family photographer in Chicago, you can contact me to schedule your session or for more information.

Currently scheduling due dates through September!!