Fall Mini sessions | Lincoln Park Zoo family photographer

These sessions at the Lincoln Park Zoo were a long time coming.  I originally had scheduled them for mid October, however the day of the session is was cloudy, misty, and downright ugly outside.  Being smack in the middle of the busy season, I had a minor panic attack trying to figure out when to reschedule everyone’s session.  Lucky for me I left a single Sunday evening free, so I was able to reschedule the sessions for the day and a good chunk of my original group were able to make it!  Yay.

And thank goodness it all worked out!  We had beyond beautiful weather that day!  It was WARM!  And sunny.  A total surprise for being the end of October in Chicago.  Since I had never been there I arrived early to check everything only to find nearly every other photographer in the area also had sessions at the zoo that day.  But it all worked out in the end and I was able to capture some beautiful shots with amazing families.  Check out these gorgeous images!

Lincoln Park Zoo family photographer

Evanston IL maternity photographer

lincoln park zoo Chicago family photographer

children photographer Lincoln Park Zoo

Lincoln Park Zoo child photographer

Lincoln Park zoo children photographer

Chicago maternity photographer


If you’re ready for your own portraits I would love to hear from you.  I travel all throughout the Chicago area and northwest suburbs up through Lake County.  Please contact me to book your session or for more information.

Currently scheduling due dates through September!!