P family | maternity photographer Barrington Illinois

This sweet couple received a gift certificate as part of her baby shower – what awesome friends and family! So not only did I get to photograph their maternity photos in Barrington, Illinois, but I also was able to photograph their baby girl as well in my studio. I love that shower gift idea!

This family had a special request to incorporate sunflowers into their sessions. Fresh flowers for TWO sessions? Ok twist my arm…I love it!

We had an overcast day for her maternity photos and there was a chance of rain, but we won with a gorgeous night! At this location the mosquitoes and other bugs can be bad since you’re at a marina, but honestly we really lucked out with nothing in sight. Phew!

Look how beautiful she is! She originally selected a dress from the studio, but she showed up in this dress as a backup. I felt it looked great on her, so we stuck with this one for her session. Plus the purple really helps the sunflower stand out.

pregnant mom holding belly in a field outside Cary, Illinois
pregnant mom and her husband standing in grass for maternity photography in Lake County Illinois
hand on pregnant moms belly during maternity photo session in Barrington Illinois
pregnant mom sitting on dock in Barrington IL
pregnant couple at marina for photos in Lake County IL
mom holding sunflowers during pregnancy photos near brrington
man and pregnant wife standing on dock at marina for maternity photos in Barrington Illinois

If you are expecting I would love to photograph you and your growing belly! You can find more information here or if you want to book, let’s chat.

The Lake Zurich studio has a private closet of over 30 gowns and tops for you to wear for your maternity photos, so I am sure you can find something that makes you feel amazing. If you are in the Barrington, Palatine, Cary, Crystal Lake, Arlington Heights, or surrounding area and are ready to schedule your maternity and/or newborn photos, be sure to contact me early to ensure space on my calendar! Both sessions are booked early but have a specific timeframe of when they are scheduled, so please don’t wait!

Currently scheduling due dates through September!!