New site = fun.

Well, here we are!  After having my original site since I started, I finally sat down to create a brand spanking new one.  And just in time, I’d say.  The site went live Dec 31st without any major glitches.  As of now, my email seems to be down and incoming messages are being bounced, but I am working as quickly as possible with my webhost to get it resolved, so please bear with me!  The technical aspect of it has me a bit stuck while I wait for help.

Having a new site was one of my 2013 business goals and after being so busy and continuously putting it off, I finally locked myself to my computer and dedicated a few weeks of my time to create it (on top of shooting, editing, answering emails/phone calls, and everything else that comes with running your own business).  Oh, and being a wife and a mom.

How in the world did I manage to bang out a brand new website in 2 weeks?  No clue.  But if you figure it out, please let me know so I can apply it to other areas of my workload efficiency.

Anywho, this new site is where YOU come in.  I need your help.  Please look around and let me know in the comments if:
-Links are broken
-Bad grammar/misspelled words/typos/etc
-Information missing
-You want me to add something to the site
-Site isn’t working correctly from your phone

The site is still being updated, but it is about 90% there.   Please let me know what to add, change, or fix.

And now that I have a blog built INTO my site, I can hopefully start writing more and sharing session photos this way rather than on FB (which tends to butcher the way photos look and hides most business’s posts, anyways).  I can’t wait for you to have your own dedicated blog post for you to show off all of your gorgeous photos to your friends!

Let me know your thoughts, I’d love to hear from you.  And pleeeease let me know of any errors you may find!!  Thanks a bunch!

Golden Photography is located in downtown Lake Zurich and specializes in newborn, child, and commercial photography. To learn more about her and the studio, check out


Currently scheduling due dates through September!!