newborn photographer Barrington IL

I’ve known Erin since college (yay U of I).  We were both in the same major and she now teaches in the area.  She had another sweet little girl and I was beyond thrilled she asked me to photograph her.  She and I are pretty similar in terms of what we like in terms of colors, so it made styling her session extra easy.  We’re both not afraid of some aqua on little girls.  Of course, I have also my love of neutrals.

Plus, you can’t beat a smiling baby.  This one would smile off and on during her whole session.  However, check out the massive smile with big sister was holding her.  100% no Photoshop maigic there.  That’s exactly how it happened!  Honestly I had no idea it had happened until I pulled it up on my computer.  It was quite the happy surprise for me!

newborn photographer Barrington IL

Barrington IL newborn photographerbaby photographer Barrington ILBarrington IL baby photographerBarrington IL photography studionewborn baby photographer Barrington ILLake County IL newborn photographercustom photographer Barrington ILBarrington IL newborn baby photographer

If you are expecting now is the time to book your newborn photographer!  Babies are best photographed within those first few weeks of life, so having a photographer booked and set during your second trimester is so important!  My schedule fills quickly and I cannot promise to have availability if you wait until after they make their grand entrance.

For more information on my private Lake Zurich studio, or for more information about sessions in general, I would love to hear from you.


Currently scheduling due dates through September!!