Studio safety

Studio safety, cleanliness, and sanitation is something I have always taken seriously to help put families at ease when working with me. I always allow for reschedules due to sickness, I wash everything that I use, I sanitize all surfaces both before and after a session, and the precaution list goes on and on. When my studio is able to reopen most of those policies will remain the same and if anything, will become stricter to ensure safety during this new time of COVID-19.

photo studio safety

As always, my studio will continue to have a “no sick” policy. That means families are required to disclose and reschedule the session if their child or anyone coming to the studio have had a fever or any other symptoms such as cough, runny nose or vomiting in the last 24 hours. Not only is this to help stop the spread of whatever someone currently has, but feeling less than your best does not make for a fun time with me and can affect your session. To reschedule, please contact me as soon as possible as there is no fee to reschedule. Of course, I extend the same courtesy to the families I work with, as well. Any sickness in my house means I will request to reschedule with your family.

For outdoor sessions, the cleaning of blankets after each session is something I have always done. However, for the time being I am not stacking multiple families in a single evening to ensure I have time to clean my props and blankets properly between each session. For now I will be using a longer lens than normal to follow any social distancing guidelines currently in place as well as wear a mask when requested. Besides my staple of bug spray, hand sanitizer and/or wipes will be a new must-have in my camera bag. Last, I will also be more hands-off with my families and will rely on them to help me more with wrangling children, fixing hair and clothing, and posing with my verbal instruction. They were all things I was fairly hands-on with in the past.

I miss all of my families and I cannot wait to get back to working with all of you! I have been to my studio a handful of times the past few weeks to clean and organize and it makes me so sad to see it empty! I am truly in my happy place when I am there working with you. I miss snuggling babies and acting like a fool to make your families smile and enjoy our time together. Until that time comes, please stay safe and stay healthy Chicagoland.

Currently scheduling due dates through September!!