Product photography on white background

Most know that I photograph a lot of people, babies, and kids. Not many realize I do a lot of product and commercial work for several companies throughout the Chicago suburbs. In fact, products on white background is one of my specialties!

Some companies need simple, single product photos on white others want their company’s items with a model. Once I know what the company’s specifications, the end goal is the same for me – get clear, easy to see images on a white background so the item can sell. All of the photos are to be used online within their own website, in catalogues, in ad campaigns, or with online retailers such as Amazon, Walgreens, Meijer, etc.

Photographing glossy products on white, white products on white, or clear products on white bring about their own challenges for me to work around while still showing clear details of the item. Its not an easy challenge, but one that my 10+ years of doing this has taught me how to do well.

product on white near Chicago IL
product on white sweep for photography
model demonstrating product on white background in Lake Zurich photo studio
hands showing how to use product on white background
product in clear plastic bags photographed
gloves on white background
product photography Chicago
Product photographer Chicago
product photographer Lake Zurich

If your company is looking for a photographer that specializes in product photography, specifically on a white background, then please contact me. I understand that retailers have specific needs and I am comfortable meeting what both you and they need to accept your images. My studio is located in downtown Lake Zurich, IL and is just a short drive away from Chicago.

Contact me for more information.

Currently scheduling due dates through September!!