Professional Lake Zurich child photographer | J turns 3

Being a child photographer is awesome because I come across so many different personalities.  The best part is figuring out how to translate that into a photo because emotion is what takes a photo from good to great.

First of all, this girl is awesome.  She followed directions, did anything I asked, even said “cheeeeese” whenever I held the camera up to my face.  And we all know nothing says “legit smile” more than someone saying cheese.  haha. Professional Lake Zurich child photographer

Honestly though, she was great.  She was happy and listened to everything I said to her and followed directions perfectly.  Of course, bringing up a certain princess names Elsa also got me on her good side.  In some of her photos you may see her sporting a little braid on the side.  Guess which princess inspired that style?

I’ve also known this family for years.  I met them when I was in college and I’ve been honored to see Jenna grow up in front of my lens.  Maternity, newborn, 6 month and all the way up to this session.  The big THREE.  I can’t believe it’s already been three years.  It goes by SO fast and I’m beyond humbled that I’ve been able to capture her as much as I have.Lake Zurich IL child photographeroutdoor child photographer Lake Zurich, ILoutdoor family photographer Lake County ILprofessional outdoor Barrington IL photographer
custom family photographer Barrington, IL copy


Of course, there’s always the suuuper fun photos that I love including in my galleries.  The ones that help illustrate the session to a T.


Parents of the world, check out the photo below and I give you ONE guess what song she was singing.  If you’ve guessed correctly, you’re welcome for getting that song stuck in your head the rest of the child photographer Illinois


Ready to have your own custom outdoor session for your child?  Then contact me to set it up!

Currently scheduling due dates through September!!