Stephanie Cotta Newborn posing video guide

I’ve had the pleasure of attending one of Stephanie Cotta’s workshops in the past and  received her new old posing guide as part of the workshop.  Its was great and for me, was a great companion to review poses and tips before sessions.  But now she has a new VIDEO guide!

Stephanie Cotta posing guide

She’s outdone herself this time with her NEW guide complete with videos.  It is called “Mastering the Art of Newborn Photography” and I’ve been honored to get to review her guide before it goes live to the public.  Folks, if you’re wanting to step up your game, this is what you’ve been looking for.  Even though I’ve been to her workshop in the past and have her old posing guide, I feel this guide is worth every penny (and then some).  I know I’ve been anxiously waiting months for this guide and I promise, it delivers!

Yes, it contains her old guide.  However it has expanded upon every section of it.  Every single pose was recorded LIVE so you can see how she’s achieving those amazing poses.  It is like sitting there peeking over her shoulder during one of her sessions.  You see what is under her blanket, how she holds a baby to get her him or her into a pose, and so much more.  You see babies that move after she has them set (yes, she’s REAL folks, it happens to everyone).  You see her posing siblings, moms, parents, wrapping, props, and so much more! And you hear her narrating over the videos that helps to explain what she is doing and why she is doing it.  I’ve seen some other videos created by other photographers that just can’t compare to this.  Someone was holding the camera and recording her every move, so the angles change as she works so you get an amazing view of what she is doing.

There is a section on angles and how to get variations of the same pose with solely changing your angles (and how they look).  There is an entire section on SEO (search engine optimization) to help you get higher search rankings, , how to drive traffic to your website, her very own referral program, and tons of information on how she built up her business.  You also see her workflow after a session.  Editing is not included since she saves that specifically for her workshops.

There are 17 poses she goes through and some variations on them.  My “old” guide had 14 poses, so it’s definitely a lot bigger and contains a ton more information that the original one.  If you’ve done her workshop, it is worth it.  If you’ve completed someone else’s workshop, it is worth it.  If you have never done a workshop, it is worth it.  If you’re “stuck” and wanting to break out and better your skills and your business, it is worth it!

If you’re wanting Stephanie Cotta’s newborn posing video guide for yourself, it will be released early next week!  You can check out her website with the info here.

Golden Photography is located in downtown Lake Zurich and specializes in newborn, child, and commercial photography. To learn more about her and the studio, check out

Currently scheduling due dates through September!!