Oh the great things I can do with my new website. Like show off my studio. Something I should have done a long ago, ahem.
I moved in at the tail end of summer – being home based just wasn’t working for me for a handful of reasons. Mainly space and lifestyle choice – I wanted to separate my business from my home. Moving my business out of my home was part of my 5-year plan since becoming a legit business, so it definitely came a bit early.
By moving downtown my studio, my home and my personal life now have a nice separation. I still love keeping my sessions relaxed and cozy and fun because that’s me to a T, so my personality has not left the business. The business has just left my home. It’s been awesome. And I have a prop room to help keep organization under control. I still explode everywhere during those newborn sessions, but each prop has a home in it’s own room when I’m not using them. Love it!
Speaking of loving it, check out the new place! The feedback I’ve gotten from my longtime clients has been nothing but positive. I know I made the right decision for everyone! For now these photos will suffice, but someday I plan on taking “legit” photos to really show how perfect it is.
Here we go: Golden Photography’s studio tour.
Entryway and peak into sitting area
My sitting area is light and bright and comfy. I cleared it off for these photos, but my coffee table is usually covered with magazines (even ESPN for the dudes) and album samples. I always have music on and I give you free reign, so you’re bound to find something you enjoy. In the back corner you’ll find my kids center that has books, coloring pages, and other items to keep them busy. I also have a changing table in the sitting area, but that was added after these photos were taken.
In case you haven’t noticed I have lots of frames on display throughout my studio – hands down they are my favorite item! (By judging what clients leave with, it’s their favorite, too). During my viewing appointments I have a nifty app that allows you to see how a certain frame size (or canvas) will look on your walls before you ever place an order! This makes it so nice to be sure you’re getting the right size so you’re not wasting money by ordering too big or too small. I also used the same app to select the frame and canvas sizes in the studio, as well, so I know it works.
Here is a panoramic of my shooting space (taken with my phone). You’ll see it is big and roomy (and halfway set up for a newborn session). Since this photo was taken I also have a few racks of newborn hats and wraps always ready to go between my two main windows. Right behind from where I took this photo is my entry area (where my logo is displayed) which connects onto the sitting area, so you’re never far from the action.
There is more to my Lake Zurich studio there that I didn’t show, but it is mainly equipment storage, prop storage, and an essentially empty room in case a mom would like to nurse in private. I also have a kitchen area with a fridge and microwave (many new parents like to bring food to eat later or they will store some extra milk in the fridge). I also have a Keurig because I’m a coffee addict. If you ever want to come check it out for yourself, just contact me and let me know when you’d like to swing by! I’d be happy to show you around. Or if you want to stay current on studio specials and newsletter-exclusive deals, then you will want to be added to our newsletter list!