We have some news…

If you remember back to last fall, we had some unfortunate news to share.  And not to delve into too much personal stuff, but after surgery I was in and out of my Drs office (and was even put on some short-term hormones as a result of surgery). It was definitely a stressful time and really burned me out, mentally.

So, after nearly 6 months of stress and uncertainty, that all finally changed for me.  And my family.

I’m pregnant with baby #2.  And I couldn’t be more happy and excited to close the chapter we lived through and to move on with this new one.

Naturally, timing isn’t my thing and I am due in early November.  Right smack in the busy season.  Hey, beggars can’t be choosers, right?

So what does this mean for Golden Photography and fall sessions?  It means if you want a session this year, you have two options.

Option 1: I am scheduling sessions though October 15 and not accepting any more newborns through December.  For October, I am currently at capacity as far as my typical shooting schedule that month, however I am opening a few more days of mini sessions on weekday evenings.  If you are wanting fall photos, please email me now since my availability is extremely limited for October.  My scheduling cutoff is October 15th to allow for reschedules and for files to go out/products to be ordered before baby arrives.  Keep in mind that there is always a chance of myself going into labor early or being placed on bed rest and a potential of your session needing to be cancelled.  If this happens your retainer will be refunded and a list of other photographers with availability will be provided.  However, my first was about a week and a half late.  So take that information and make any assumptions you want.

My remaining outdoor mini session dates for 2016:
• August 16, 17, 31 (7ish start)
• Sept. 7, 24th  (6ish start time)
• October 5, 11, 13 (5pmish start).
Please email me the top 2 dates from above you would like to book! stacy@golden-photography.net


My remaining full sessions:
Please email me with the month you’d like to book or the month your newborn is due.  I am not scheduling any additional newborn in October or November, but I have some amazing photographers to recommend to you if you are due in those months!  If you are due in December and beyond, I am happy to book a session for you!

Newborns are booked based on your due date – please contact me while you are still pregnant and before baby arrives to book. For a full session, please email me the month you are wanting to book or your due date and I will let you know what I have available.


Option 2: If you’re set on working with me but not necessarily a fall session, I do have a handful of summer sessions remaining if you check the schedule above. Again, because my calendar is losing about 2 work months this year I expect many of my fall families are going to be filling up other months and I cannot say it enough: contact me now to book your session!  This includes maternity, newborn, family, etc.  I am booking everything right now!

If you’re one of my grow with me families and you need to schedule your 6 month or 1 year session for this October-December, contact me ASAP to get a date locked in!

If you are needing to place an order for holiday cards, gifts, etc during my maternity leave I will be able to do that for you.  You’ll want to order early and please understand my turnaround will be veeerrry slow for November and will begin to pick up again in December.  Come Jan 1, things will be back to normal around here.  I am in the process of working out a deal with a vendor so you can order directly through them this season, so you will be able to get amazing cards on your own this year.

Keep your eyes peeled for basic camera classes to be reintroduced this January for those wanting to learn how to take better photos while learning your camera, as well.  I know some of you are getting them for the holidays, so take a class with me so you can put those fancy camera and all those buttons to use!  Otherwise, all you have is an overpriced point and shoot.  Booooo.  If you’re interested in joining a wait list for that, please shoot me a message and I will be happy to add you!  stacy@golden-photography.net



Photo credit: Disney World Photographer


I already know I am going to sadly be turning many of you away this season.  But don’t worry!  If my regulars cannot get in with me this fall I do have a great referral list of talented photographers (that are also dear friends) for you to choose from.  I hope to see you this year and if not, next year it is!

Currently scheduling due dates through September!!